April, 1 2015

Horta of Rajolar


Cartonajes la Plana supports the new project ‘Recover and revive the Rajolar’s horta’, which it is driven by the City of Betxí and Novessendes Foundation, with the co-financing of l’Obra Social La Caixa,through the transfer of a farm owned by Amisar (matrix of the CLP companies) where this activity will begin in Betxí and also provide cardboard boxes for the generated production.


This is an initiative that aims to provide solutions to the lack of employment opportunities through organic farming, taking advantage of the territory’s resources such as lands that have been abandoned, the water of traditional irrigation ditch of the town and the favourable weather of the área, and to reverse a situation of agriculture that is not effective. With this project the access to more responsible consumption for the population and health products that have a positive impact on local socio-economic development will be facilitated.