September, 20 2016
Manufacture with Zero Defects
In the three production plants of the company it has been installed control systems with artificial vision in order to achieve a level of “zero defects” in the manufacture of several typologies of boxes.
This system consists in taking a photograph of each box and compare it with a patron to detect and move away the defected units. Currently, it is being used the Revicart of Cenicero to control the presence of glue, the position of the grille and the folding. In the new folding machine Revicart of Betxí it has been installed a detection system and positioning of the glue and it is being studied the installation of a folding control.
And in Midline of Onda has being replaced the application of glue system for another one of last generation that includes a presence and positioning control system in order to ensure the correct functioning of the boxes in the automatic lines of our clients, where the correct folding requirement and closing of the boxes is critical in clients with processes of automatized packing.
This trend will be introduced also to control other aspects such as the printing. In the last acquired machines for the company Cartonajes la Planta are ready to incorporate these control systems in short-term.
On the other hand, in the Midline of Onda will be installed a short metal detector which is required by the food sector.